
The Power of Forgiveness Book

Created by Emily J. Hooks

A comprehensive guide to forgiveness as a personal healing practice. Learn to become a more forgiving, compassionate human being with a structured approach.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Audiobook is Out! That's a Wrap!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 05:45:53 PM


As promised, the audio version of The Power of Forgiveness has been delivered to all of the supporters who pledged for it! Thank you! Had I known what an undertaking producing and releasing an audiobook would be...Ha! It was an adventure but I am very grateful it is out there for the world! 

With that, we can call it a wrap, I suppose. Thank you a million times over for all of your support. I wish each of you extraordinary joy on your journey toward wholeness, happiness, and peace. 

Much love, 


PS. Here is a link to the book on Amazon and Audible. Feel free to share your thoughts in a review or share the book with others. Together we can make everyone get the message--You can't change the outer world until the inner one is healed. <3

Donated books and SXSW!
about 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 08:49:13 AM

It turns out getting books to incarcerated women in the State of Texas is much easier said than done! It has been quite a process but I have great news! Thirty of the 44 donated books have been shipped! Two books will be delivered to each female or co-ed facility in Texas run by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The last 14 books will be going to individual women participating in a program run by an amazing non-profit here in Austin - Truth Be Told

Thank you again (and finally) for your generosity and support. The Power of Forgiveness is now available online at all the major retailers and in stores here in Austin at BookPeople and Half-Priced Books. I am working on the audio book and second print edition now. Thank you for helping spread the message of hope and healing to others.

With love and gratitude,


PS. If you have a few seconds, I would appreciate your vote to see Turing Pain into Power Through Forgiveness at SXSW next year. Voting only takes a few seconds. Here's the link -

Link to Survey
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 01:35:53 PM

If you did not receive your survey from BackerKit it might have been filtered into your spam folder. You can use this link to access the survey: You will just need to enter the email associated with your Kickstarter account to access your personalized survey. 

Thanks, Carol for asking. 

Emily XX

Reminder to complete your survey
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 08:44:32 AM


Happy New Year! I just wanted to send a quick note and remind everyone who has not completed the survey from BackerKit to do so ASAP. The deadline is fast approaching and the information is necessary to complete your order. It should only take 2-5 minutes to complete. Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions. 



You did it!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 03:47:54 PM


Together, we did it! Thanks to 183 backers we made our goal plus some ($17,086!). I am so excited to bring the book and other goodies to each of you and to others who I have faith will find real value in the message. 

Speaking of others, thanks to those of you who contributed to the "Make a Difference, Read a Book!" Reward, I will be donating 36 books to incarcerated women in the State of Texas. Wow! Thank you!

You probably already received an email from Kickstarter announcing our success and letting you know your credit cards would be charged. If for some reason, you need to update or change your card information, please do that as quickly as possible to avoid delay and confusion.

I will be using BackerKit to send out surveys and collect the needed information from each of you. Those surveys will gather mailing addresses, autograph details, book format preferences, and whatever else we need to know to deliver the reward you selected. You will also have an opportunity to add products through BackerKit, so if you wanted a bookmark or a second book, for example, those will be options. Watch for the survey to go out from BackerKit shortly after Christmas. 

In the meantime, feel free to email me if you have questions. I'd love to get to know each of you. If you are interested in following the progress of the book on social media, join the Forgiveness Academy FB group or newsletter, or follow me on Instagram and Twitter, that information is all listed below. 

Finally, I'd like to say a special thanks to Dave Schmidt with The Sedona Connection. Over one-third of the contributors found the project thanks to Dave's endorsement of the book! Thank you, Dave, for taking the time to review the book and sending a thoughtful and humbling email! And, thanks to the 60+ of you who responded to his appeal.  

Have a truly blessed Holiday Season! Enjoy time with friends and family, keep making a positive difference in the world, and know you are loved. I am boundlessly grateful to you all. 

Talk soon!

Much love,
