
The Power of Forgiveness Book

Created by Emily J. Hooks

A comprehensive guide to forgiveness as a personal healing practice. Learn to become a more forgiving, compassionate human being with a structured approach.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

22 hours to go!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:53:43 AM


I can't believe it, but we are only 22 hours from the end of the campaign! It's been an amazing month for me. I've had the opportunity to spend lots of time firmly outside of my comfort zone (something I intend to take a short break from for a few days very soon!). I've had a chance to reflect on the meaning of relationship and the importance of the work I am honored and humbled to do. During the past month, my faith in purpose and in "not knowing" and not needing to know how things will unfold has deepened exponentially. My appreciation for relationships over and above all else is clearer now than ever. It's funny how we can set out to do one thing, and so many other unexpected blessings emerge. 

So, here we are in the final hours. To meet the minimum goal we need to raise about $750 more. That is absolutely doable. And, as you can imagine, every single contribution will make all the difference. In addition to your gift, I know that many of you have already reached out to your friends and family. My final request is to think about anyone else in your life who might find value in the book or the message and let them know why it matters to you and why you thought of them. The book is not about fixing our problems or ourselves; it is about finding a more compassionate, forgiving way to live. It is about moving through limitation and into a fuller expression of who we are. Every great spiritual leader in human history has spoken about the power of forgiveness as the key to finding peace and understanding in our lives. That is all this book is about. It is not about right and wrong, good and bad; it is about finding our individual truth and living it boldly. Surely everyone can find value in such a message. 

The link to share with others is 

Thanks again for your support. I am eternally grateful!

With love and gratitude,


New reward and 6 days to go!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 07:17:30 PM


I wanted to take a moment and say thanks to our newest backers! Terri, Scott, Tinnekke, Michelle, Autumn, Ron, Tyffany, Magaline, Team Creatio, and Kellie! Thank you all for your support and generosity. We still have a long way to go but I have faith it will fund and that the book will be out early next year as planned. 

I added a new reward yesterday. The Audiobook format is now listed for $14 and will available in October 2017 (maybe sooner!). If you know any avid audiobook connoisseurs who would appreciate this new option please send them a quick note and ask them to check out the project. 

We will be posting new rewards this weekend too! Stay tuned for details.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that we will be using an application (Backerkit) to fulfill the rewards after the project funds. It is cool because it gives the option to add-on items you might not have chosen. I've had several questions about this (how can I get the bookmark too, for example). So, we found a solution. You'll be able to add bookmarks, the inspirational cards, or other book formats easily. Watch for details after the project closes at 6:40am CST next Thursday.

In the meantime, if you think of anyone who might be interested in supporting the project please reach out to them soon. We need to build some momentum to make it to the finish line gracefully! 

The link:

With love and gratitude,


Week 3 Update!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 09:36:32 AM

We are so close! Thank you for your support of the project! It has been an exciting, albeit stressful few weeks but I am very optimistic we will be successful! We are currently funded at 68% thanks to 86 generous backers! We have 8 more days to cross the finish line!

Now, during this final push to the finish line, I want to ask one last favor. Give some thought to the people in your life who you think might appreciate and benefit from the message of the healing power of forgiveness. Maybe you know therapists, ministers, counselors, teachers, healers, coaches, or others who already have a thorough understanding of the importance of this subject and are always looking for new resources. Perhaps you have clients or friends who would appreciate a new, thoughtful point-of-view.

Here is the link to share The Power of Forgiveness Book project with friends, family, and followers. I have complete faith that together we can bring the book to life and get it into the hands of those who can use it to spread the message of healing, compassion, and love to the world.

The link again --> 

Stay tuned for more updates this week! The 7-day countdown begins tomorrow!

Much love and gratitude,


Halfway there!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 06:15:15 AM

Thank you all for your support of the campaign. We are finishing out the 16th day and are 58% funded thanks to your kindness and generosity. I appreciate each and every one of you very much. 

With gratitude,
